28 October 2012

OCC GATE Conference, Fall 2012

Orange County Council for the Gifted and Talented

UC Irvine
October 27, 2012

"Paving the Way to Common Core"

Session 1:
  "Think Different = SEE Different:
Applying Thinking Skills that Lead to Creativity"

Novelty excites the brain
A break from the routine,
a new way to look at an old problem,
a different setting or classroom configuration
can stimulate learning…
Students’ minds get mired in the mundane, and this can dull their thinking.  Because young adolescent brains are hard-wired for action,
it makes sense to provide unique experiences from time to time
to reengage students…
When we feed students’ natural tendencies for dynamic growth,
they not only thrive,
they become fully committed to learning.”
Rick Wormeli
“Cognitive Science Structures and Tips that Help Us Differentiate.” 
Differentiation: From Planning to Practice.

“GATE Strategy” showcased:
  1. Novelty & Problem-Based Learning
  2. Thinking SkillsSubstitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify or Magnify, Put to other use, Eliminate something, Reverse or Rearrange
Brief description:

Ingenious.  Original.  Thought-provoking.  Unconventional. Fun. 

How can educators create conditions where students consistently produce truly inspired and innovative works based on their analysis of the same facts, figures, and information (from a classroom lesson/unit)? 

Drawing upon the work of Michael Michalko's Thinkertoys, this workshop will explore “S.C.A.M.P.E.R.” thinking skills and strategies to empower students to become innovative problem-solvers: from the basic task of developing a thesis for an essay, organizing information for an assignment, or producing a memorable project.  Workshop attendees will consider and apply Michalko's creative-thinking techniques with other differentiation tools for immediate classroom application.

Resource:  PDF

Session 2:
“Models of Academic Discourse
Nurturing Communication Skills
that leads to greater Critical Thinking and Comprehension

Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.
Sir Francis Bacon, English Philosopher, Statesman, Scientist, 1561-1626

Another key element is modeling the talking, thinking, literacy tasks, products, and performances that students are supposed to be able to do after they learn and practice their new knowledge and skills.
Jerome Seymour Bruner, American Psychologist, 1986.

Gate Strategies showcased:
  1. Depth: Language of the Discipline, Patterns, Rules, Perspectives, Big Ideas
  2. Collaboration
  3. Thinking Skills

Socratic Seminar?  World Café?  Philosophical Chairs?  Cooperative Learning?  Collaboration?  Literature Circles?  Lecture?   What works best for students?

This session focuses on the five core communication skills required in any type of academic discourse, empowering students to explore, engage, negotiate, maintain, and communicate “academic conversations” through meaningful pathways of (1) elaboration and clarification, (2) supporting ideas with examples, (3) paraphrase, (4) build on and/or challenge ideas, and (5) synthesis.

Resource:  PDF

Session 3: 

New Journeys of Identity:
Using the Hero’s Journey Archetype
for Literary Analysis,
Community Involvement, and
Personal Reflection

Gate Strategies showcased:
1.    details, patterns, big ideas;  relate over time, across disciplines
2.    Convergence, Contributions
3.    Think Like a Disciplinarian

Why do we need heroes

What qualities & events make a person a hero

Literary analysis combined with literary, personal, and collaborative explorations on
·      the Hero’s Journey Archetype with
·      the addition of James Marcia’s Identity Achievement, and
·      Don Riso’s 9 Enneagrams. 

Maintain a classroom climate of discovery, esteem, and engagement in a diverse, often chaotic society.

Resource:  PDF

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